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Product Features


Ease of Use

The VALT video system can be learned in just minutes and utilizes a browser-based client, so no software or plug-ins are required.


Security & Permissions

VALT ensures the security of your videos and data through encryption processes, LDAP integration, extensive user permissions and rights, group containers, user access control, and a robust audit trail.


Hardware Architecture

Most competing solutions are going to require additional hardware per room (PC, server, or encoder) in addition to cameras. Thanks to VALT’s unique hardware architecture, this is not required.


Low Latency

HD video and audio content can be streamed in near real-time to students on campus.

Live Classroom Streaming

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, many higher education institutions have looked for new ways to educate their students without filling rooms and lecture halls to capacity.

One method many institutions have begun to implement is live classroom streaming.

With live classroom streaming, educators can reach hundreds of students at once with just a camera and microphone. This flexibility grants educators the power to choose how many students can be in a classroom without sacrificing the education of those students who remain at home.

VALT Video System for Hybrid Classrooms

Whether your college or university is fully remote or follows the hybrid classroom model where a portion of students attend live lectures and labs while others can watch along at home, the VALT video system provides your institution with the tools you need to get the job done.

VALT is a simple to use turnkey video system that both educators and students can learn in minutes. It provides low-latency live video to ensure a near real-time streaming experience with almost no delay. Video and audio streams in HD quality to ensure students receive as close to an in-person learning experience as possible.

While other video systems require additional pieces of hardware in a recording room such as encoders, PCs, or even entire servers, VALT does not. VALT also utilizes a browser-based client, so no software or plug-ins are required.

Due to VALT’s unique architecture, you can scale to any number of cameras and users all while incurring no per client license structures or budget-crushing annual maintenance contracts.

Streaming System for your Hyflex Classroom

Security is a major factor of the VALT platform. VALT provides multiple technologies to assist with this including: data and video encryption, LDAP integration, extensive user permissions and rights, group containers, user access control, and a robust audit trail.

The user permissions structure and audit trail allow administrators to track every view and share of a video. This provides administrators with full transparency of video interaction and distribution.

Ensuring that live streams can only be accessed by authorized students may be challenging with other solutions, however, it’s a breeze with VALT’s LDAP integration. Completely automate the user management process by automatically importing LDAP users into the system. Users keep their same network login information to access our system while being assigned to the proper VALT user group.

Live Streaming with a Distance Learning Platform

Although the VALT video system may be simple to learn and use, it’s jam-packed full of powerful features that will improve quality of life and take an educator’s online education to the next level.

A built-in scheduler allows educators to set up recordings in advance to ensure class time is spent teaching and not managing streaming services. The schedule can be configured to automatically recur on a daily, weekly or monthly basis allowing for complete automation of the streaming and recording process.

Every recorded video allows educators to tag specific points, create notes and annotate during live recordings or reviewing previously recorded videos. All information is completely searchable allowing educators to easily identify the specific content they are searching for and quickly play back the video.

Administrators and educators can evaluate and grade the performance of their students through the use of customizable forms. Transform any existing assessment or evaluation form into real-time data fields captured alongside your VALT video. Data can be scored, searched, and exported.

IVS can provide a complete turnkey solution that can be implemented by any internal IT department or by a third-party integrator. IVS works closely with every customer to ensure a successful installation of the VALT digital video system. Contact us at IVS to schedule a product demonstration or to request a quote.


How does the IVS VALT audio/video system support hybrid classroom models where some students attend live lectures while others watch remotely?

Our VALT system is well-suited for hybrid classroom models, providing a turnkey video recording and streaming solution that enables educators to reach in-person and remote students simultaneously. 

With VALT, educators can live stream lectures in HD quality to students on campus or at home, ensuring a near real-time streaming experience with minimal delay. The system's flexibility allows institutions to adapt to various teaching scenarios, accommodating different ratios of in-person and remote students without compromising the quality of education.

In terms of hardware requirements, what sets the IVS audio/video systems apart from other live classroom streaming solutions?

One of the critical advantages of IVS audio/video solutions is its unique hardware architecture, which eliminates the need for additional equipment per room, such as encoders, PCs, or servers. 

Unlike many competing solutions that require extra hardware components, VALT streamlines the setup process by relying primarily on cameras and microphones. This simplicity reduces the overall cost of implementation and minimizes potential points of failure, ensuring a more reliable and efficient live-streaming experience for educators and students.

How user-friendly is the IVS VALT system for educators and students with varying levels of technical expertise?

Our audio/video solutions are designed to be user-friendly, accommodating users with diverse technical backgrounds. Thanks to an intuitive interface and straightforward features, educators and students can learn to use IVS systems in just minutes. 

VALT utilizes a browser-based client, eliminating the need for software installations or plug-ins and making it accessible from any device with a web browser. This ease of use ensures that educators can focus on delivering engaging lectures and interactive sessions without being hindered by complex technology.

What security measures does the IVS employ to protect live-streamed content and ensure authorized student access?

We prioritize security, incorporating multiple technologies to safeguard live-streamed content and control user access. 

VALT employs data and video encryption to protect sensitive information during transmission and storage. The system also features LDAP integration, allowing institutions to automate user management by importing LDAP users and assigning them to the appropriate VALT user groups. This integration ensures that students use their existing network login credentials to access the live streams, maintaining a secure and seamless user experience. 

Additionally, VALT offers extensive user permissions and rights management, group containers, and user access control, enabling administrators to define and enforce granular access policies. A robust audit trail provides full transparency of video interaction and distribution, allowing administrators to track every view and share of a video.

How can educators leverage the IVS VALT audio/video system's features to enhance the live streaming experience and facilitate student engagement?

Our audio/video solutions offer several powerful features that enable educators to elevate the live streaming experience and promote student engagement. 

The built-in scheduler allows educators to set up recurring live streams in advance, ensuring that class time is spent on teaching rather than managing the streaming process. 

Educators can tag specific points, create notes, and annotate the content during live recordings or reviewing previously recorded videos. This information is fully searchable, allowing educators to locate and reference key moments in the video quickly. 

Additionally, VALT supports customizable forms, enabling educators to transform existing assessment or evaluation forms into real-time data fields captured alongside the video. This feature facilitates performance evaluation and grading, with the ability to score, search, and export the data.

What kind of support and implementation services does IVS provide to ensure a successful live classroom streaming solution rollout?

IVS offers comprehensive support and implementation services to guarantee a smooth and successful deployment of all audio/video live classroom streaming solutions.

IVS can provide a complete turnkey solution implemented by the institution's internal IT department or a third-party integrator. Our highly experienced team works closely with each customer, offering guidance and assistance throughout installation. This collaborative approach ensures your audio/video system is configured to meet the specific needs and requirements of your institution, taking into account factors such as classroom layout, network infrastructure, and user access policies.

At IVS, we are committed to providing ongoing support and troubleshooting to maintain optimal system performance and address any technical issues that may arise.

Learn more about our audio video recording solutions.