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Product Features


HD Video & High Quality Audio

Our software integrates with the latest IP camera technology. Observe in real-time or review recorded high-definition video in 1080p resolution. Auto-gaining discrete microphones provide high-quality perfectly synchronized audio, great for picking up soft voices.


Access Control Integration

All of the videos are stored and managed by a built-in searchable database. Tag videos with data such as student/patient name or therapy type for easy lookup and review.


Ease of Use

Our software utilizes an intuitive browser based client interface. No special software needs to be downloaded or installed.


Standard Video Format

All videos recorded by VALT are in a non-proprietary standard MP4 format. Videos can be downloaded from the system and played back on any computer without the need for special software or codecs.

IVS Video for Recording Objective Structured Clinical Examinations

What is an OSCE? Objective Structured Clinical Examinations are a type of examination increasingly used in health sciences. In contrast to a written exam, an OSCE evaluates hands-on skills that medical students, as well as more advanced learners, need to acquire during medical training.

OSCEs can test clinical skill competency and performance across dozens of fields, using a real-world approach that allows medical professionals and teachers to assess students as they learn innovation and the key factors that drive the medical decision-making process.

Using Video to Record OSCEs for Student Preparation

For aspiring students preparing to take objective structured clinical exams, digital video is a wonderful tool. Students can simulate an OSCE, recording the entire process with video. Reviewing the video allows students to evaluate their performance and identify areas for improvement, before actually taking the clinical exams. Students gain confidence and aptitude when they are able to use video to record and review simulated objective structured clinical exams.

Video for Instructors to Analyze OSCEs

Using video to record and score objective structured clinical examinations is an important part of the process. Because of the real-time nature of the exams, video is essential for future analysis and critique. Video recording of OSCEs allows for much more accurate scoring of the examinations, and recording OSCEs also assists professionals in vetting the students and designating areas for improvement.

The VALT video system is already used by medical professionals around the country in a variety of roles, including the recording of objective structured clinical examinations. The powerful, yet low-cost VALT system is portable and scalable, enabling employment for small installations, as well as large OSCEs involving dozens of separate testing stations.

What is VALT?

VALT (Video Audio Learning Tool) is a digital recording system for objective structured clinical exams, using the latest technology to provide high-definition video of medical simulations and examinations.

The benefits of using video to record OSCEs are numerous — video playback enables instructors to notice things they missed during testing, it allows students to view their work at each station from an objective perspective, and it gives the instructors a great tool for cataloging students’ progress and development. Multiple cameras may be placed around each testing station and synced so that recording and playback of different viewing angles for each station are synchronized.

Using VALT video to record objective structured clinical exams is easy — authorized users can access the recorded video content with any common internet browser. They can even use VALT’s live-streaming feature to remotely observe OSCEs as they are in progress. The VALT system can be accessed with a wide range of devices, like tablets, smartphones, and PCs.

The VALT system uses a central server to store all OSCE recordings. Storage capacity is immense — able to handle close to 20,000 hours of high-def video. No matter how large your objective structured clinical exams are, how many students go through each station, or how many different cameras you choose to set up, the Valt system can easily store all the video you will need. 

VALT Objective Structured Clinical Examination Recording Software

VALT uses state-of-the-art video management software to record OSCEs. Video is recorded in .mp4 format and compressed, minimizing network demands and allowing easy sharing and storing of OSCE video sessions with any user that has the appropriate permissions.

VALT also has a built-in scheduler feature, letting instructors concentrate on the examinations without having to worry about starting and stopping video recordings. Recorded objective structured clinical exams are all assigned session metadata which assists in categorization and helps users easily locate any individual exam session.

Mobile Recording of Objective Structured Clinical Exams

Our VALT system is already easy to set up and use, but we have gone to the next level and turned your iPad or iPhone into a mobile recording platform. Our Beam application lets you record an OSCE with no setup time, using only a phone or a tablet — perfect for a small examination with limited stations or for an exam conducted off-site. Mobile recordings of objective structured clinical exams are automatically synced with the VALT server and added to the video library.

Security of VALT Video

The VALT video software provides all necessary user rights management, encryption, network architecture, and authentication required to make all clinical video content fully secure. Video sessions are available only to those who possess the necessary permissions. Contact us to request a quote or to schedule a demonstration.


How can audio/video (a/v) recording enhance the effectiveness and reliability of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs)?

A/V capture is a powerful tool for enhancing the effectiveness and reliability of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). 

Audio/video capture of students' performance during the OSCE stations provides a detailed and objective record of their clinical skills, decision-making processes, and patient interactions. This recorded footage allows for more accurate scoring and analysis of the examinations, as instructors can review the videos multiple times, focusing on specific aspects of the student's performance. 

Recordings enable instructors to notice details or nuances that may have been missed during the real-time observation of the OSCE. Additionally, the use of audio/video promotes consistency and fairness in the evaluation process, as multiple assessors can review the same recorded performance, reducing the potential for bias or subjectivity. 

Overall, audio/video adds a layer of objectivity and thoroughness to the OSCE assessment process, ultimately improving the reliability and validity of the results.

How does the IVS VALT audio/video recording system support students in preparing for OSCEs through simulated practice sessions?

Our VALT audio/video system is a valuable tool for supporting students in preparing for OSCEs through simulated practice sessions. 

Using our VALT audio/video system to record mock OSCE scenarios, students can gain hands-on experience and familiarize themselves with the examination format and expectations. The recorded simulations allow students to self-evaluate their performance, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. They can review the videos multiple times, focusing on specific aspects of their clinical skills, communication, and decision-making processes. This self-reflection and analysis enable students to refine their techniques, build confidence, and better understand the OSCE requirements. 

Additionally, the VALT system's ability to provide synchronized playback of different camera angles captures a comprehensive view of the student's performance, facilitating a thorough assessment of their skills. By leveraging the VALT system for OSCE preparation, students can enter the actual examinations with increased confidence and competence.

What features does the IVS VALT a/v system offer to facilitate efficient scoring and analysis of OSCE performances?

Our VALT A/V system offers several features that facilitate efficient scoring and analysis of OSCE performances. The system's high-definition video and synchronized audio capture ensure that every student's performance is documented. Instructors can easily navigate the recorded footage using the intuitive browser-based interface, allowing quick access to specific moments or stations. 

The VALT system also enables instructors to tag and annotate videos with comments, marks, or scores, making highlighting key observations or areas for feedback simple. These annotations are linked to specific timestamps, enabling precise reference to particular actions or decisions. 

Additionally, the VALT system's ability to integrate with scoring rubrics or assessment forms streamlines the grading process, as instructors can input scores directly into the system while reviewing the videos. The system's powerful search and filtering capabilities make retrieving and comparing performances across different students or OSCE sessions easy, facilitating longitudinal analysis and tracking of progress over time.

How does the IVS VALT audio/video system simultaneously accommodate recording multiple OSCE stations, ensuring comprehensive examination coverage?

Our audio/video system is designed to simultaneously accommodate the recording of multiple OSCE stations, ensuring comprehensive examination coverage. The system's architecture allows for the connection of multiple high-definition IP cameras to a central server, enabling the concurrent recording of various OSCE scenarios. Each station can have one or more cameras strategically positioned to capture different angles and perspectives of the student's performance. 

The VALT system automatically synchronizes the recordings from all cameras within a station, providing a cohesive and comprehensive view of the examination. This multi-camera setup ensures that every important aspect of the student's performance is noticed, as the recordings capture their interactions, procedures, and decision-making processes from various vantage points. The system's scalability allows for expanding the number of stations and cameras as needed, accommodating the size and complexity of the OSCE examination. 

With the IVS VALT system, institutions can have confidence in the thoroughness and quality of the recorded OSCE footage, facilitating accurate assessment and feedback.

How does the IVS VALT a/v system ensure the security and confidentiality of OSCE video recordings, considering the sensitive nature of the content?

Our audio/video solution system prioritizes the security and confidentiality of OSCE video recordings, recognizing the sensitive nature of the content. The system employs advanced encryption techniques to safeguard the video data during transmission and storage, preventing unauthorized access. 

All recorded footage is stored on secure servers with strict access controls. The VALT system features a robust user management system, allowing administrators to define and assign user roles and permissions based on their responsibilities. This granular access control ensures that only authorized individuals, such as instructors or assessors, can view and interact with the OSCE recordings. 

The system also maintains detailed audit logs, tracks user activities and system events, and provides accountability and transparency. Furthermore, the VALT system complies with relevant data protection regulations, such as HIPAA, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of student and patient information. 

By implementing these stringent security measures, the IVS VALT system creates a trusted environment for storing and managing OSCE video recordings, giving institutions the confidence to leverage the benefits of video assessment while safeguarding sensitive data.

Can the IVS VALT audio/video system be used for remote or off-site OSCEs, such as those conducted in distributed medical education programs?

Our audio/video system can be used for remote or off-site OSCEs, making it well-suited for distributed medical education programs. The system's flexibility and portability allow for the setup of video recording capabilities in various locations, including remote clinical sites or satellite campuses. 

The VALT system's mobile recording solution, using the Beam application on iPads or iPhones, enables the easy capture of OSCE performances in off-site settings. The Beam app allows for quick and hassle-free recording of OSCEs without requiring extensive setup or equipment, making it ideal for more minor examinations or remote locations. When a network connection is available, the recorded footage is automatically synced with the central VALT server, seamlessly integrating the off-site recordings into the central video library. This remote recording capability ensures that students in distributed medical education programs can participate in OSCEs and receive the same assessment and feedback as their on-campus counterparts. 

Our system's ability to support remote OSCEs enhances the accessibility and flexibility of the examination process, enabling institutions to deliver consistent and high-quality assessments across different locations.

Learn more about our audio video recording solutions.