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Introducing Beam
Intelligent Video Solutions already features some of the industry’s best video observation and capture software with our Valt system, but did you know you can take Valt with you, wherever you go?

Secure Video Recording

Beam communicates over a secure channel using industry-leading encryption protocols.

Valt Server Integration

Beam integrates all recorded presentations and meetings with the main server, with recorded sessions instantly appearing in your video library.

Multi-Device Support

Beam is easily installed on any iOS device, including iPads and iPhones.


Beam is as portable as your electronic device, letting you record meetings anywhere, at any time.

Companies and organizations have increasingly turned to digital video in order to capture and document meetings, focus groups, and presentations. Video capture ensures 100% accuracy, as well as allowing the creation of permanent video libraries for future use. Video portability, however, has often been an obstacle. The new Beam app from IVS shatters that obstacle, allowing companies to record meetings and presentations at any place with just the click of a button. 

Mobile Video Recorder for Meetings and Presentations

Mobile Video Recorder for Meetings and Presentations

Companies and institutions already utilize digital video capture to record meetings, conferences, and presentations in order to accurately capture the entire event, or to build a digital library of video content. Beam, however, takes the convenience to the next level.

Beam removes the need to set up meeting room recording equipment — instead, Beam turns any iPhone or iPad into a mobile, high-definition recording unit. With Beam there is no need to mess around with video rendering, conversion, or formatting — Beam automates all of these functions. So how does the Beam app work?

How does the Beam Mobile Recording App Work?

How does the Beam Mobile Recording App Work?

Beam uses some of the industry’s best video capture software to turn any iPad or iPhone into a powerful video capture device. Video recorded with Beam is automatically synced with the main server, tagged with metadata (to help categorize and search for archived videos) and encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption algorithms.

Beam normally runs in offline mode, with video content synced to the server later. However, Beam also supports live streaming over an encrypted channel, allowing remote views with access to watch meetings and presentations in real time — all that they need is a supported internet browser.


The power of the Beam app is readily apparent. Beam makes it a snap for companies to record meetings, training sessions, presentations, and conferences. These high-def recordings are used by companies in any number of ways, including employee training, customer presentations, marketing materials, and product support.

Beam lets companies create these digital video assets anywhere. The utility of the video library is immense — viewers, such as employees, customers, or trainers, do not have to have individual access to separate video storage media. Instead, all video content recorded with Beam is accessible with a simple browser from anywhere, providing the user has the necessary permissions.

Recording company presentations and meetings has never been easier, thanks to Beam. Beam is available for iPad, iPad-Mini, and iPhone via the App Store, or you can learn more by contacting
us at sales@ipivs.com