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Product Features

HD Video

HD Video

Our software integrates with the latest IP camera technology. Observe in real-time or review recorded high definition video in 1080p resolution.

Searchable Database

Searchable Database

All of the videos are stored and managed by a built in searchable database. Tag videos with data like student/patient name or therapy type for easy lookup and review.



With comprehensive user management rights, a detailed audit log and optional encryption our video solution offers some of the most advanced security features in the market. Valt is a great fit for dealing with sensitive data applications.



A built-in scheduler allows users to schedule recordings in advance or set up repeating schedules so the system automatically records the treatment or simulations on the desired days and times.

IVS Video for Athletic Training and Physical Therapy Labs

What is an Athletic Therapy Lab? An Athletic Therapy Lab (also called sports lab) is a unique classroom where students learn hands-on practical and didactic education. A wide array of athletic and physical therapy equipment lets students learn effective intervention and examination strategies.

Digital video has become an important tool for athletics and physical therapy labs. Video capture stations allow for prompt student reflection and review of psychomotor skill assessments which are a critical reflection of student performance and an important requirement in the healthcare environment of today.

Observation & Recording System for Athletic Therapy Labs

Physical Therapy

VALT (Video Audio Learning Tool) integrates with HD IP cameras which record video of sports labs and allow for instant playback through our central server. Students can be recorded during an in-class lab assessment and these videos are immediately available for student review through any internet browser-equipped device.

The VALT solution is ideal for the recording of therapy labs. It has a portable option (Beam) and is scalable, able to handle dozens of separate rooms at the same time, as well as multiple cameras per room. This allows departments to set up cameras to cover every angle of the athletic therapy and physical training lab — the pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras can even be controlled remotely to change the viewing angle during the lab session.

Video capture from multiple angles throughout the lab enables precise movement analysis. This ability lets you combine practical demonstrations with didactic information. Multiple viewing angles provide maximum analysis and diagnostic review.

VALT Video Hardware for Athletics Lab Recordings

The VALT system uses a central server to store all athletic classroom recordings. Storage capacity is immense — able to handle close to 20,000 hours of high-definition video. No matter how many labs you wish to simultaneously record, no matter how many workstations each of your labs has, the VALT system can store all the video you will need.

The vast storage space makes it easy to build a digital video library of athletic lab student sessions. Video is tagged with metadata and instructors can additionally tag video with special time-specific ‘markers’. These make video recall and annotation a snap — a great tool for students to review psychomotor skills and hands-on exams.

VALT Software for Recording Physical & Athletic Therapy Labs

VALT uses state-of-the-art video management software to record athletic labs. Video is rendered in .mp4 format and compressed, minimizing network demands and allowing easy sharing and storing of classroom video sessions with any user that has the appropriate permissions.

VALT also has a built-in scheduler feature, letting instructors focus on student development without having to be bothered with timing the video recordings. Another bonus feature is “talkbalk”, a system in which instructors who are watching live-streaming video can speak to the students while they are engaged in the classroom — very useful for giving live feedback and instruction.

Mobile Recording of Athletics Therapy Labs

IVS even has a solution to let you record therapy sessions off-site with no prior setup — our Beam app. This lets you capture a therapy lab using only a phone or a tablet — great for a small lab with limited workstations or for conducting exams and training away from campus. Mobile recordings with Beam are automatically synced with the VALT server and added to your video library.

Security of VALT Video

The VALT video software for athletic therapy labs provides all necessary user rights management, encryption, network architecture, and authentication required to make all video content fully secure. Video sessions are available only to those who possess the necessary permissions. Contact us to request a quote or to schedule a demonstration.


What are the key benefits of using video recording in athletic therapy labs?

The key benefits of using audio/video capture recording equipment in athletic therapy labs includes:

  • Improved skill development and clinical competence through detailed feedback and self-reflection for students.
  • Enhanced training and assessment capabilities for instructors.
  • Ability to document and showcase student progress for accreditation and training purposes.
  • Increased engagement and active learning for students during simulation-based training.
How does the video recording system integrate with existing lab equipment and workflows?

Audio/video recording solutions are designed to be highly customizable and adaptable to different simulation lab environments. The systems can integrate with various cameras, encoders, and other equipment to capture high-quality audio and video. The system is flexible enough to seamlessly incorporate into existing lab workflows, ensuring a smooth implementation and adoption process. As an A/V video capture solution vendor, we work closely with clients to tailor the products to each simulation lab's specific needs and requirements.

What are the recorded videos' data storage and security considerations?

The audio/video recording solutions have robust data storage and security measures. All recordings are securely stored, with access restricted to authorized personnel only. The systems ensure the privacy and confidentiality of student recordings, which are used solely for educational and training purposes. Clients can download or archive recordings for long-term storage and access as needed.

Can the video recording system accommodate the growth and expansion of the simulation lab over time?

Yes, the audio/video recording solutions are designed to be scalable to accommodate growth in the number of students, simulation scenarios, or even the expansion of the simulation lab to multiple locations. The systems can be expanded with additional cameras, encoders, or other hardware to meet the lab's evolving needs. At IVS, we also provide customers with options to upgrade system capabilities in the future, ensuring the solution remains relevant and effective as the lab's requirements change.

What technical support and training are available for implementing and using the video recording system?

IVS provides comprehensive technical support and training to ensure a smooth implementation and ongoing use of A/V systems. This includes guidance on the initial setup and configuration and ongoing support for software updates, system maintenance, and troubleshooting. Our experienced team also offers training for instructors and students to ensure everyone is comfortable using the system and can effectively leverage its capabilities for simulation-based learning and assessment.

Learn more about our audio video recording solutions.