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Product Features

HD Video & High Quality Audio

HD Video & High Quality Audio

The VALT software integrates with the latest IP camera technology. Observe in real-time or review recorded high-definition video in 1080p resolution. Auto-gaining discrete microphones provide high-quality perfectly synchronized audio.


Searchable Database

All of the videos are stored and managed by a built-in searchable database. Tag videos with data such as student name or session type for easy lookup and review.



A single software instance can support an unlimited number of cameras, users, and departments while keeping content segmented and secure.


Security & Compliance

With comprehensive user management rights, a detailed audit log and optional encryption, our video solution offers some of the most advanced security features in the market. These built-in features can help maintain compliance standards (HIPAA/HITECH).

Video Recording Solutions for Health Sciences 

Health sciences are applied sciences that investigate the use of technology, science, math, and engineering in healthcare delivery. Examples of health science disciplines include audiology, forensic medicine, geriatrics, nephrology, oncology, and pathology. Health science education is an integral part of the curriculum of medical students, and campuses are using technology such as digital video to create health science simulations to aid in the learning process. Simulations teach trainees to work through a large number of scenarios — both in the home environment or in healthcare settings.

IVS digital video is used to record health science simulations, providing students with accurate analysis and feedback on their methodology and skills. Recordings can be annotated with notes, video “markers”, and repeatedly reviewed, enabling instructors to effectively target the students’ behaviors.

Using multiple cameras enables multi-angle recording, and any number of health science simulation rooms can be simultaneously recorded. Recordings are categorized into a digital video library of simulated learning experiences, instantly viewable by any authorized user.

VALT Video Recording Equipment for Healthcare Research Centers

IVS VALT is an affordable recording solution for recording health science simulations. The VALT (Video Audio Learning Tool) system uses a central server to store all video content, eliminating the need for in-room recording equipment. Our lightweight IP cameras are paired with high-quality auto-gaining microphones that eliminate both hum and any background noise. Place multiple cameras in any given room to obtain a wide-array of recording angles.

Our pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras may be adjusted to record any angle and can be both fixed or moveable. Video can be started and stopped instantly from within the room, or by a remote observer who is viewing the recording in real-time. The real-time viewing feature also allows instructors to chat with students during the health simulation via the “talkback” feature. “Talkback” allows live instructor communication during the simulation without physically interrupting the session.

VALT Video Software for Health Science Simulations

Our video for healthcare labs and focus groups is rendered in standard .MP4 format and uses h.264 compression, minimizing demands on the network. No lag time means that your recorded video is immediately available for viewing.

Viewers only require a simple internet browser to review recorded health science simulations. A typical VALT installation has storage space for nearly 20,000 hours of high-definition video, and if needed additional storage is available. Our health science recording software affixes each video segment with metadata, making it easy to look up locate and organize video sessions.

Off-Campus Recording of Health Science Simulations

Need to record an applied science simulation away from campus? Our new Beam mobile capture app makes it easy. Beam turns a smartphone or tablet into a mobile video studio allowing instructors to capture video of health science labs at any location. Video recorded with Beam automatically syncs with the main VALT server on campus, seamlessly adding your recorded simulation sessions into the video library.

If your department is interested in using digital video to capture health science simulations and labs, IVS can provide a complete turnkey solution that can be implemented by any internal IT department or by a third-party integrator. IVS works closely with every customer to guarantee a successful installation of the VALT digital video system. Contact us at IVS to schedule a product demonstration or to request a quote.


How can the IVS VALT system enhance practical learning and provide accurate feedback in health science simulations?

The VALT system is a powerful tool for advancing practical learning and providing accurate feedback to trainees and students in health science simulations and simulated medical training. By recording these simulations, instructors can meticulously review and analyze students' performance, methodology, and skills. 

The recorded videos can be annotated with notes and "markers" to highlight specific points of interest, enabling instructors to provide targeted feedback and guidance. The ability to repeatedly review the simulations allows for in-depth evaluation and constructive criticism, ultimately enhancing the learning experience and helping students refine their techniques and decision-making abilities in a simulated healthcare environment. You can learn more about healthcare simulation labs here.

What types of health science disciplines can benefit from using the IVS audio/video system for simulations and training?

Our audio/video solutions are versatile and can be utilized across various health science disciplines to support simulations and training. 

Some examples of health science fields that can benefit from VALT include audiology, forensic medicine, geriatrics, nephrology, oncology, and pathology. 

The system's flexibility allows it to be adapted to various scenarios, from simulating patient interactions and diagnostic procedures to practicing complex surgical techniques. By providing a comprehensive video recording solution, VALT enables educators in diverse health science disciplines to create immersive and realistic learning experiences that prepare students for real world healthcare challenges.

How does the IVS VALT system facilitate multi-angle recording and simultaneous capture of multiple health science simulation rooms?

Our audio/video system is designed to support multi-angle recording and simultaneous capture of multiple health science simulation rooms. The system utilizes lightweight IP cameras that can be strategically placed to obtain a wide array of recording angles within a single room, allowing for comprehensive simulation coverage and capturing essential details and interactions from various perspectives. 

Also, VALT's architecture enables the simultaneous recording of any number of simulation rooms, making it ideal for more extensive health science programs with multiple training sessions occurring in parallel. This simultaneous recording capability maximizes efficiency and ensures that all relevant simulations are captured for later review and analysis.

What features does the IVS VALT system offer to facilitate real-time observation and instructor-student interaction during health science simulations?

With our audio/video solutions, you’ll have access to features that enable real-time observation and instructor-student interaction during health science simulations. Instructors can remotely view live simulations as they unfold, allowing them to monitor students' performance and provide immediate guidance when necessary. 

The system's "talkback" feature allows instructors to communicate with students in real-time during the simulation without physically interrupting the session. This functionality enables instructors to offer direction, ask questions, or provide feedback while the simulation is in progress, fostering a more interactive and engaging learning experience. 

How does the IVS VALT audio/video system streamline the organization and accessibility of recorded health science simulation videos?

Our VALT system streamlines the organization and accessibility of recorded health science simulation videos through its intuitive database and user-friendly interface. Each recorded video segment is automatically tagged with metadata, making it easy to categorize, search, and locate specific simulations. 

Authorized users can access the video library using a simple internet browser, eliminating the need for specialized software or equipment. This browser-based access allows instructors, students, and administrators to review simulations from any device with an internet connection, promoting flexibility and remote learning opportunities. 

The system's storage capacity, typically accommodating nearly 20,000 hours of high-definition video, ensures that a comprehensive library of simulations can be maintained and easily accessed for reference and training purposes.

Can the IVS audio/video system support off-campus recording of health science simulations, such as in clinical settings or remote locations?

The Beam mobile capture app transforms a smartphone or tablet into a portable video recording device. This app allows instructors to capture high-quality video and audio of health science simulations outside the main campus facility. Once the off-campus simulation is recorded using Beam, the video automatically syncs with the central VALT server when a network connection is available. This seamless integration ensures that all simulation footage, regardless of location, is consolidated into the main video library for easy access and review. 

The Beam app's mobility and synchronization capabilities extend the reach of the VALT system, enabling the capture of authentic learning experiences in diverse healthcare settings.

Learn more about our audio video recording solutions.